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Our Services

HUDSON SPEAKS Provides Free and Confidential Services such as:


  • 24- hour sexual violence bilingual Helpline: 201-795-5757

  • 24- hour accompaniments to hospitals, courts and law enforcement agencies

  • Counseling for individuals and support groups for survivors and their significant others

  • Community Education: Media Literacy, Gender Equality and Healthy Relationships

  • Recruitment and training of confidential sexual violence advocates who work with survivors and their families

  • A full range of culturally sensitive, language-specific support, including outreach and direct services for women from South Asia.


Our 24-Hour Helpline

24- hour sexual violence bilingual Helpline:



We provide support, professional services and referrals to our most trusted and reputable networks.

Anyone who has questions about sexual violence can call us—not just survivors. Your questions can be about recent problems or something that happened long ago. Learn more>> 


Crisis Response

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

24- hour accompaniments to hospitals, courts and law enforcement agencies


We will be there to support you when or where ever in Hudson County you need our service(s).

This service is available every day to individuals who have experienced a sexual assault within the last 5 days. Our Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates respond to the hospital (Christ Hospital or Hoboken Medical Center) and support survivors during this difficult time. Learn more>>


Counseling & Wellness


Harmful and lasting psychological impacts of sexual violence can be prevented or minimized with structured interventions and support post sexual violence. We have trained counselors who can help process trauma and start the healing journey. Voices of Strength is a free and confidential support group for individuals who have experienced sexual assault. Learn more>>


Crisis Response

Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate (CSVA)

Counseling for individuals and support groups for survivors and their significant others.


A person who responds and understands. These are compassionate and trusting individuals  who received special training. They are available 24-hours, and are ready to listen, support and provide helpful resources. A CSVA person provides non-judgmental support and options in the form of crisis intervention via a 24-hour hotline and/or medical and legal accompaniments. Learn more>>


Crisis Response

Be a CSVA Volunteer

Training for CSVA Volunteers 


We provide tools to comfort, educate and empower.


We offer a free 40-hour Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate (CSVA) training to individuals who are interested in becoming volunteer advocates with Hudson SPEAKS. This training gives individuals the knowledge and tools to provide direct services through:


  • Helpline counseling to survivors of sexual assault and their significant others

  • In-person accompaniments to hospitals, courts and law enforcement agencies


Advocates comfort and provide important information to help survivors regain control of their lives. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer CSVA and have the willingness to learn, we welcome you to contact at 201-795-8375

Learn more>>


Prevention & Outreach

For healing, learning and growing


Hudson Speaks covers all: Community Education: Media Literacy, Gender Equality and Healthy Relationships. Hudson SPEAKS offers free and confidential support group for individuals who have experienced sexual assault. The groups aim to build on the understanding of sexual violence and runs for up to ten weeks by trained facilitators. During this period, the goal is for participants to gain knowledge about safety, coping skills and how to use them, and identify characteristics of healthy relationships with self and others.​​ Learn more>>


Case Management & Advocacy

Listening, informing and assisting


Case managers act as a liaison between individuals and community agencies that offer assistance. It starts with a needs assessment of an individual’s situation before establishing the best way of providing assistance. Hudson SPEAKS advocates for individuals who have experienced any form of sexual violence to get assistance from relevant service providers. Through case management services, we are able to help individuals access services such as housing, public assistance, health insurance and more. A case worker also provides accompaniments to police precincts, court, medical appointments, interviews with Special Victims Unit and other emergency services. Learn more>>


Sunshine Project


The goal of the Sunshine Project is to uplift, elevate and empower survivors of trauma. The Sunshine Project provides primary and secondary victims of sexual assault and domestic violence with a holistic method of treatment. The project intends to remove the barriers that prevent victims of sexual assault and domestic violence from accessing ongoing mental health care and support after an attack. Residents of Hudson County above 13 years of age and above, will have full access to a range of services meant to heal the victim physically, emotionally and psychologically. We hope that through the support of the Sunshine Project, survivors will achieve stability in their lives by accessing our social services support and wellness activities. These activities include: Yoga, art, knitting, crochet and more to meet the needs and interests of survivors. Learn more>>


Our Culturally Specific Initiatives


Bolo Behen (Speak Sister)

South Asian Initiative


Hudson Speaks offer a full range of culturally sensitive, language-specific support, including outreach and direct services for women from South Asia. Learn about Bolo Behen (Speak Sister), Hudson Speaks' South Asian initiative.​​

Learn more>>


Voces Sin Fronteras (Voices without Borders)

Hispanic Initiative


Hudson S.P.E.A.K.S (Habla) Contra la Violencia sexual es un programa contra la agresión sexual sin fines de lucro que abarca todo el condado y brinda servicios orientados a las víctimas para personas mayores de 13 años, de todos los géneros. Los servicios se brindan a las víctimas de abuso, agresión o acoso sexual independientemente de la raza o elnivel socioeconómico. Estos servicios se extienden a otros integrantes de la familia, el cónyuge o la pareja y también a amigos. A través de una Línea de ayuda las 24 horas del día, defensa, educación y asesoramiento, luchamos para alcanzar nuestro objetivo de un día “detener la violencia”. Learn more>>




Against Sexual Violence

179 Palisade Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306

Office: 201-795-8741
Education and outreach: 201-795-8559
Fax: 201-418-7025


Learn more:


Help is here.

We are just a phone call away.






Against Sexual Violence


179 Palisade Avenue,
Jersey City, NJ 07306


(201) 795-5757


Office: 201-795-8741
Education and outreach: 201-795-8559
Fax: 201-418-7025


Learn more:

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© 2022-2032 by Hudson SPEAKS, 179 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07306 | 201-795-8741 |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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